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Politics of Thursday, 24 August 2006

Source: GNA

District Assembly election campaign gathers momentum

Bonsu (B/A) Aug 24, GNA - Mr. John Kotei, a 45-year-old citizen of Bonsu in Nkoranza district has filed nomination to contest Bonsu electoral area seat in the district assembly elections. He is challenging Mr. George Ampeinti, incumbent Assembly Member who is seeking re-election.

Speaking to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Bonsu, Mr. Kotei said he once served as chairman of the unit committee in the area and would use his four-year leadership experience to initiate development programmes in the area.

Bonsu, Koforidua, Baabiani and Wagadougo are the communities in the electoral area.

The aspirant said he would encourage the youth to pursue higher education in order to improve the fallen standard of education in the area.

Mr. Kotei said environmental sanitation was his priority and if given the mandate would mobilise the people to undertake regular clean-up exercises to check the outbreak of epidemics in the areas. He said as chairman of the unit committee, he assisted in organising the people to provide classroom blocks for the local Islamic and Roman Catholic kindergartens as well as quarters for the mid-wife in charge of the local community clinic.

He said it was during his tenure that the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) supported the construction of a six-classroom block for Methodist Primary School at Bonsu, under the government's quality improvement in the primary schools project. Mr. Kotei added that he led the community to plant trees in all the basic schools in the town and also alongside Sonku river on the Nkoranza-Techiman highway to prevent it from drying. He is currently promoting child health in the Bonsu-Koforidua healthcare as a health volunteer.

The aspirant called on the people to vote massively for him to help advance the development of the area.