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Regional News of Monday, 27 October 2003

Source: GNA

District Education Directorate to launch education campaign

Nkoranza (B/A) Oct 27, GNA - The Nkoranza District Education Directorate is to launch an educational campaign to hold meetings with parents to identify problems facing education in the district and to adopt effective strategies to address such problems. Mr. Jarvis R. Agyeman-Badu, District Education Director, who disclosed this at a staff meeting of the directorate at Nkoranza said the meetings with the parents at the circuit level would discuss the results of Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) of Junior Secondary Schools for the past three years to ascertain whether there had been any improvement in the standard of education or not. He expressed concern about the low standard of education in the area and called on parents to join hands with teachers to ensure the proper training of their children to ensure that the investments they made in their education did not go to waste. The District Director noted that Nkoranza placed 12th in this year's BECE results among the 13 districts in Brong Ahafo and emphasized that there was the urgent need for an improvement in such poor results to elevate the district in academic performance. More CK/REA 27 OCT. 03