Regional News of Sunday, 28 December 2003

Source: GNA

District Finance Officer warns revenue collectors

Nkoranza (B/A), Dec. 28, GNA - Mr Joseph Ababio Basoah, the Nkoranza District Finance Officer on Friday warned that revenue collectors who would engage in fraudulent deals would be arrested and prosecuted to serve as a deterrent to other corrupt workers.

He deplored the practice whereby some revenue collectors forge revenue documents and to enable them to keep part of money collected and said practice was affecting revenue mobilisation of the district assemblies.

The Finance Officer was addressing 50 revenue collectors from the district at the end of a 5-day revenue mobilisation workshop at Nkoranza.

Mr Basosh asked the revenue collectors to be honest and dedicated to their work so that they could help to generate more revenue for the development of the district.

He announced that the assembly had decided to award hard working and sincere revenue collectors to boost their morale.

Mr Appiah Gyasi, the District Senior Revenue Superintendent, asked the people not to be hostile to tax collectors but to pay the taxes promptly to ensure the development of the area.

The Revenue Superintendent in-charge of the Dromankese zone in the district, Mr Joe Manu called on assembly members to educate the people on their tax obligation to enhance revenue collection.

He commanded the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development and the Nkoranza District Assembly for organising the workshop to update the knowledge and skills of revenue collectors.