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Politics of Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Source: GNA

District level election at Oguaa in progress

Cape Coast, Dec. 28, GNA - Out 3,903 registered voters expected to ca= st their ballots in the District Level Election in five polling stations in th= e Cape Coast Metropolis, only 292 people voted between 830 hrs and 1030 hrs when the Ghana News Agency visited some of the centres. At the Methodist Primary B Polling Station in Aboom the registration officer, Mr. Albert Aassibu, said 94 of the 1,000 registered voters had cas= t their votes as at 0920hrs

The officer in charge of the Metro Assembly B Polling Station, Mr. Harry Jones, said 94 voters of the 583 expected voters had cast their votes while 55 of the 466 voters had voted at the Cooperative Office polling station.

Mrs. Jemima Coleman, who was in charge of the Cooperative station, said most of the voters had no idea that they were to vote to elect Unit Committee members and called for more education to that effect. At the Adisadel Mosque Polling Station, Mr. Ahmed Tijani Hassan, the officer in charge, said only 27 of the 1,354 voters had turned up and that about 40 per cent of the registered voters were students of Adisadel Colleg= e who were on vacation.

The Electoral Officer in charge of the St. Monica's Polling Station, Mrs. Philomena Forson, said 22 out of the 500 registered voters had shown u= p and complained that the arrangement on the Unit Committee ballot papers would pose a problem because when folded, the ink from the space of a candidate might appear on another candidate's space. There was adequate materials and security presence at all the polling stations the GNA visited.