Accra (GAR) July 3, A document to raise awareness for an integrated approach to the development and management of Ghana's coastal resources was launched at a one-day workshop in Accra today. The 138-page book, "Towards an Integrated Coastal Zone Management Strategy for Ghana", was documented by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in collaboration with the World Bank and other national institutions. The document, which seeks to draw the attention of all sectors, non- governmental organisations, the public and donor community to the rational use and development of resources, paints gloomy scenarios if measures are not put in place to address the problems.. Mr. John Edward Afful, Minister of Environment, Science and Technology (MEST), said Ghana is one of the countries to recognise and address the strategic importance of coastal resources while developing co-operation with her neighbours. "This document therefore illustrates Ghana's commitment to the coastal zone management and highlights her partnership with the World Bank to identify priorities, develop and implement action plans".