Health News of Sunday, 14 October 2018
Netherlands surgical oncologist has encouraged Ghanaian women to as matter of urgency visit hospitals to get checked for the deadly breast cancer.
Dr. Marguerite Bouwmeester says, alarming rate of the disease should be a wake-up call to well meaning Ghanaians and efforts must be made to get people checked for it.
According to her, late diagnosis, and screening are significant factors in the high number of deaths recorded from the disease.
"Earlier examination of breast cancer means better treatment." She added
Dr. Marguerite was speaking at screening and sensitization exercise at the house of faith ministries at Pankrono in the Ashanti region.
The exercise was part of measures put in place by Breast care International to reduce breast cancer cases in the country.
In September 2018, research by the International Agency for Research on Cancer has revealed that, over four thousand cases of breast cancer were diagnosed in Ghana.
Dr. Marguerite says the research among others means the disease is on the increase in the country.
As the country marks World Breast Cancer Awareness Month, President of breast care international, Dr. Beatrice Wiafe, has called on stakeholders to intensify efforts to avert the potential health crisis.
She says, there is still some work to be done and that strange belief about causes of breast cancer is still on the rise.