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General News of Friday, 3 July 2015

Source: daniel asuku/

Don’t behave like ‘we’ politicians-Kennedy Agyapong

Member of Parliament for Assin Central constituency, Hon. Kennedy Agyepong popularly referred to as Akompreko has advised Ghanaian youth to live by the truth.
The MP warned the youth not to behave like politician of whom he Hon. Agyepong is one whose interest is mostly about winning power rather than caring for the people.
He made this statement at Madina a suburb of Accra where he distributed relief items worth thousands of Ghana Cedis to over 650 victims of the June 3 twin disaster of flood and fire in the city.
To his amazement, politicians who ought to have shown up in their number in such a time as this are still stuck in their shells as if nothing awful had befallen the nation in recent times.
Hon. Kennedy Agyapong called on the youth to emulate the few business people and individuals who have rather contributed immensely to wipe the tears of our loved ones who were affected by that bad omen of June 3