General News of Monday, 1 December 2014


Don’t corrupt us; we won’t take bribes again – Police Service

The Ghana Police Service is pleading with Ghanaians “not to corrupt them” by offering them bribes.

According to the Director of Public Affairs, DCOP David Ampabeni the service is committed to ridding its ranks of corruption.

“We won’t allow ourselves to be corrupted again. We won’t take bribes again.

“We are also appealing to the general public not to corrupt us. People are eager to give us things for our pockets. They shouldn’t corrupt us because we have seen people talking about us, we want to tell the people that we are ready to lead a clean life,” Ampabeni told the media after a nationwide tour by the Inspector General of Police to promote good policing among personal of the service.

He said the Police is taking drastic measures to repair its dented image in the eyes of the public.

“We are ready to remove any tarnish image that we have acquired. We want to see a new Ghana Police Service who is corrupt-free and ready to serve mother Ghana”.

The Ghana Police Service has often come tops as the most corrupt institution in the public sector.