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Regional News of Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Source: GNA

Don't post untrained teachers to the Kindergarten

Kumasi Aug. 17, GNA - Madam Comfort Mpiani, Deputy Director in-charge of Early Childhood Development Centres, (ECDC) at the Kumasi Metropolitan Education Office, has called on school heads and proprietors to ensure that only trained teachers teach in the Kindergartens.

This, she said, was necessary to provide the children with a solid educational foundation.

Madam Mpiani was addressing the 21st graduation of the Ministry's branch of the 31st Day Care Centre in Kumasi.

She said it was also important that the school environment was made attractive to the little ones.

Since children learn through playing, their teaching and learning must be interspersed with toys and other playing kits, which would arouse their interest, as well as help them to learn quickly without much difficulty.

Mrs Mpiani commended the Parent Teachers Association (PTA) for painting the school and providing playing equipment to enhance teaching and learning.

She called on parents to invest in the education of their children because that was the best legacy they could bequeath to them.

They should visit the schools to see how the children are faring and interact with their teachers.