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Regional News of Monday, 21 July 2003

Source: GNA

Don't use pulpit to amass wealth -Cautions clerkgyman

Kumasi, July 20, GNA - Bishop Samuel Kofi Ahenkorah, National Overseer of the Church of God, has cautioned pastors not to use the pulpit to amass wealth. Instead, he said, they should be concerned more about saving lost souls and contribute to the socio-economic development of their congregation and the nation. Bishop Ahenkorah was speaking at the 36th graduation ceremony of the Ghana Bible Institute of the Church of God in Kumasi at the weekend at which 18 graduands, who underwent a one-year theological training received their diplomas.

He condemned situations where some pastors made material demands before attending to their members in times of need and stressed that in as much as the work of ministers of the gospel was not a secular one, such attitudes and behaviour brought their work into disrepute. Bishop Ahenkorah therefore, charged the graduands to be committed to the work for which they had been called to ensure that the society was rid of evil doing.