General News of Saturday, 19 October 2024

Source: Isaac Amoah-Asare, Contributor

Dr Juliette Twumasi-Anokye elected Chairperson of ERCA Council

Newly elected Chairperson of ERCA Council, Dr Juliette Twumasi-Anokye Newly elected Chairperson of ERCA Council, Dr Juliette Twumasi-Anokye

Dr Juliette Twumasi-Anokye has been elected Chairperson of the ECOWAS Regional Competition Authority (ERCA).

This happened when the ten (10) new members of the Board of the ECOWAS Regional Competition Authority (ERCA), who had been sworn in the previous day, took part in an information and presentation session on the ERCA’s mandate and legal instruments and proceeded to elect their Chairperson.

Chaired by Mrs Massandjé TOURE-LITSE, Commissioner for Economic Affairs and Agriculture, the session was moderated by Dr Siméon Koffi, ERCA Executive Director on Thursday, October 3, 2024, in Banjul, The Gambia.

He presented the legal instruments, i.e. the three Additional Acts, the four Regulations, and the six manuals of procedure which provide the framework for competition regulation within ECOWAS.

Dr Siméon Koffi’s presentation also focused on ERCA’s achievements, notably in terms of strengthening the regulatory and institutional framework, market analysis, support to member states, capacity building, and developing cooperation with other Regional Economic Communities and international organisations working in the field.

In the afternoon, Board members elected their Chairperson. Dr Juliette TWUMASI-ANOKYE, a competition law specialist from Ghana, was elected Chairperson of the ERCA Council for a four (4) year term.

Her task will be to coordinate the Council’s activities in liaison with ERCA’s Executive Director.

The first meeting of the ERCA Council ended with closing remarks from the Commissioner for Economic Affairs and Agriculture, Mme Massandjé TOURE-LITSE.