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Crime & Punishment of Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Source: GNA

Driver gets 25 years for defrauding medical practitioner

Accra, Dec. 22, GNA - A Circuit Court in Accra on Tuesday handed dow= n a 25-year jail term to a 30-year-old driver for defrauding a medical practitioner of GH¢107,000 and 7,700 dollars under the pretext of purch= asing vehicles for him. Stephen Bright Kwadwo Addae, who was expected to purchase two saloon=

cars, a Range Rover four-wheel drive vehicle and two articulated trucks f= or the medical officer, pleaded guilty to defrauding by false pretences. The accused could not offer any reason for spending the money when t= he trial judge, Mr. Justice Joe Abangah, asked him where the money was.

The trial judge had earlier indicated to the convict that he would g= ive him a stiff punishment if the Police were unable to lay hands on his property.

"The state would go after your properties to pay for the money. Neve= r think that you would go to jail and come back to enjoy the stolen money,"= he said. Police Inspector Michael Jubiok said in 2008, the complainant, Dr. Henry Broni Amponsah, engaged Addae as a driver and a year later discusse= d with him his intention to purchase some vehicles for the Swedish Medical Centre in Accra and Takoradi. Inspector Jubiok said the accused convinced the complainant that he could contact some Customs, Excise and Preventive Service (CEPS) personne= l to assist in the purchase of some auctioned vehicles at moderate prices. He said the accused demanded GH¢60,000 from the complainant to pur= chase two trucks and a four-wheel drive vehicle but he failed to honour the promise.

Inspector Jubiok said in March 2009, the accused told the complainan= t that he could also assist him to purchase a Range Rover for his wife with= in three weeks. The prosecution said Addae deceived the complainant that the vehicle=

had arrived at the Tema Harbour and demanded GH¢17,000 to pay customs d= uty and GH¢30,000 for another four-wheel drive vehicle.

Inspector Jubiok said in another development, the accused allegedly purchased a Honda Pilot car valued at 43,000 dollars from the complainant= 's company but failed to pay for it.