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Crime & Punishment of Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Source: GNA

Drivers advised to be wary about late hour charters

Winneba (C/R), June 13, GNA-The Winneba District Police Commander, Deputy Superintendent Of Police (DSP) Nicholas Gasu has advised taxi drivers to be cautious with passengers they chartered their vehicles, especially during late hours.

According to him if taxi drivers had been a little cautious with passengers who hired their cars, the incidence of snatched vehicles in the district would be avoided.

Mr. Gasu was speaking to the Ghana News Agency on recent snatching of vehicles by passengers who chartered taxi in the district at Winneba on Wednesday.

He recalled that sometime in December last year two passengers chartered a taxi driver from Winneba to Senya Beraku and during the journey the passengers pulled a pistol on the driver and took away his vehicle.

In March this year a passenger hired a taxi driver from Gomoa Buduburam to Winneba around 1900 hours and in the middle of the road the passenger at gun point ordered the driver to surrender his car key or faced death, he said

The Police Commander said the passenger took the keys, abandoned the driver and went way with the vehicle.

According to him on June 1 2007, a passenger chartered a taxi driver from Agona Swedru to Duakwa them to Agona Nsaba and later to Winneba and Gyatekrom around 2000 hours where he poured powered pepper into the driver's eyes.

He said the passenger also hit the driver with a harmer, dragged him out of the taxi and took away the car.

Mr. Gasu said a Good Samaritan came by the driver and took him to the Winneba government hospital where he was admitted for three day. He said the driver should have suspected the passenger of having a hidden agenda and refuse his request, especially when it was late in the evening.