General News of Saturday, 6 July 2019


#DropThatChamber: Ras Mubarak slams soldier attacking MPs over 450-seat chamber

Ras Mubarak Ras Mubarak

The Kumbungu Member of Parliament, Ras Mubarak has taken a swipe at a military officer who took to social media chastising parliamentarians for allegedly supporting the luxurious Chamber under consideration.

A video of the Soldier circulating on social media platforms shows the officer adding his voice to the #DropThatChamber attacking the MPs for what he described as selfishness on the part of the lawmakers vis a vis the proposed 450-seat new chamber.

Ras Mubarak who was livid by the conduct of the officer wrote on Facebook:”The fact that we want the chamber dropped doesn’t mean we should promote indiscipline”

“That however doesn’t give an officer in uniform the right to misconduct himself. He has breached the Armed Forces Regulation Vol 1, Article 19, section 14 subsection 2 and article 19.36. Before he heard a word about it, it were MPs who kicked against it first”

Meanwhile, three members of the Economic Fighters League arrested for protesting against the proposed new 450-seat chamber have been granted bail.

The leader of the group and his accomplices were granted GHC2,000 bail with one surety.

The Fighters led by its leader, Ernesto Yeboah were protesting in the public gallery during proceedings in parliament.

The decision to construct a new chamber of Parliament at a cost of $200 million has attracted a huge public outcry.

There has since been a vigorous online campaign against the project codenamed #DropThatChamber on social media platforms.

Pressure group, OccupyGhana, has also waded into the raging debate urging the legislature to abort such plans.