General News of Friday, 9 November 2001

Source: Joy Online

Dual Citizenship: Parliament Concludes Legislative Procedures

Parliament has approved new citizenship regulations, clearing the final hurdle for Ghanaians who want to acquire dual citizenship. The new regulations sets out the procedures for acquiring dual citizenship status, application for citizenship by registration or naturalization and the fees to be paid for these purposes.

The adoption of the regulations will enable Ghanaians who would have otherwise lost their Ghanaian citizenship by acquiring the citizenship of other countries to regain Ghanaian citizenship and enjoy the privileges and rights of Ghanaians. It concludes the legislative process for the Dual Citizenship Act, which was passed in 1999.

The Vice Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on subsidiary legislation, Benjamin Kunbuor says the adoption of the Citizenship Regulations, LI 1690, would be welcomed by native Ghanaians who have acquired the citizenship of other countries, especially in Europe and North America.

In an interview with JOY FM, former Foreign Minister, Victor Gbeho, said those who would eventually take advantage of the new Citizenship regulations should know where to place their loyalty.

The new regulations would also help the Immigration Service cover its operational costs.