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General News of Tuesday, 25 March 2003

Source: GNA

EC might re-demarcate constituencies

The creation of new constituencies will not cost Ghana 15 billion cedis, Dr Kojo Afari Gyan Chairman of the Electoral Commission (EC), told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in an interview.

''Contrary to reports that the nation will incur between 10 and 15 billion cedis in the creation of a district. The cost is no where near those figures.''

Dr Afari Gyan said some constituencies would be reduced while others would be expanded "to check the gross imbalances in constituencies and geographical size to reflect the true state of affairs in the various constituencies.''

He said Western, Central, Greater Accra, Eastern, Ashanti, Upper East and Upper West regions are likely to be affected.

Dr Afari Gyan said the constitution mandated the EC to review the division of Ghana into constituencies and electoral areas and alter them to reflect population quota.