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Politics of Wednesday, 24 August 2005

Source: GNA

EC set for Odododiodoo By-election

Accra, Aug. 24, GNA - The Electoral Commission (EC) says all is set for Tuesday August 30 Odododiodoo By-election, which the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Convention People's Party (CPP), Democratic People's Party (DPP) and New Patriotic Party (NPP) are contesting.

Mr Albert Kofi Arhin, EC Director of Elections, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency on Wednesday in Accra, said the printing of ballot papers were underway and other relevant materials such as indelible ink, transparent ballot boxes as well as vehicles were all available for the vote.

He said the EC would organise a training programme for electoral officers and polling assistants from August 25 to 27. It would, however, invite polling agents of the contesting political parties, whose training was naturally not their responsibility, to observe the training exercise.

Mr Arhin said that to forestall conflict with electoral officers, the Commission as pre-requisite discussed allowances with them before they were recruited.

On the issue of misplaced identity cards, he said the Commission could not issue a replacement but those affected would be allowed to vote if their identities could satisfactorily be ascertained in the Voters' Register.

"Once an electorate is physically present the EC will not have problems with his identity at all."

Mr Arhin said with the political climate rising at the constituency the Commission had agreed with the Police Administration to provide three Police Officers at each polling centre instead of one. Mobile Police teams would also be on patrol.

Some 81,643 registered voters would be voting at 116 polling stations in the constituency.

Four candidates vying the by-election are Nii Tackie-Kommey (NDC); Christian Shanco-Bruce (CPP) and Nii Issaka Collison-Cofie (DPP) and Asafoatse Sidney Mankattah, (NPP).

The by-election was necessitated by the demise of Samuel Nii Ayi Mankattah, NDC Member of Parliament.