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General News of Friday, 21 June 2013

Source: peacefmonline

ECG denies fat salaries of staff

Director of Public Relations and External Affairs of the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC), Nana Yaa Jantuah, has urged the general public not to be in a rush to heap coals of fire on the staff of the Electricity Company of Ghana, based on the reports they have read in the 21st June, 2013 edition of the "Insight newspaper".

An investigation by the paper unearthed the gargantuan monies staff of the ECG take home whilst the vast majority of Ghanaians enjoy poor delivery of service.

The Insight newspaper published that for the year 2013, the Head of Department for the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), takes home mouth watering GHC232,593.00 per annum, which came with an allowance of GHC58,148.25 per annum, a salary plus allowances of GHC290,471.25 per annum and a salary plus allowances of GHC 24,228.44 per month.

Part of the publication also reported that a private secretary who works at ECG takes a gross salary of GHC57,056.00 per annum, GHC14,264.00 of allowance per annum, GHC 71,320.00 salary plus allowances per annum and salary allowances of GHC5,943.33 per month.

But reacting to the news on "OKAY FM", a perplexed Nana Yaa Jantuah noted that a team would have to do a painstaking calculation before she can authenticate the story published in the Insight newspaper.

In haste to jump the gun, she observed that there is a need for her to connect with the team before she could offer further comments on the topic.

“I haven’t seen the figures or the publications, and I am in Kumasi as at now. We need to sit down and analyze a lot of things…as at now; I can’t answer questions from the newspaper”, she said.