Politics of Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Source: Accra Daily Mail

EDITORIAL: We Still Think Something is Wrong !

"All the aspirants are involved" is what a political analyst recently remarked about the issue of "moneycracy" in the run-up to the NPP congress in December.

He is probably right. Money has to be spent to move an aspirant from one constituency to the other - a good 230 of them - to canvass support. That is expected and no one can quarrel with that.

Oiling the wheels of democracy from the local to the national level is expensive and so aspiring office seekers must have "war chests". It is what use these "war chests" are put to that raises all the questions and hackles.

Are we to remain silent when "war chests" are employed in open bribery? Come on folks, let's set some standards!

Where were all these aspirants when NPP offices were being closed over the years due to lack of resources and funding? Now they are dashing up and down making "donations" in cash and kind to entice prospective delegates. That can't be right!

They must all take a leaf from President Kufuor's legacy. He became president not through any major war chest he had but through hard political work! That's what makes wholesome politics and by God, we need some wholesomeness in politics!

They should by all means raise funds to oil their campaigns but must also bear in mind that zero tolerance for corruption is not dead!