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Religion of Saturday, 4 April 2015

Source: GNA

Easter is about Jesus Christ - Rev Obed Asamoah

The essence of Easter and of Christianity is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who brought salvation to the world, Reverend Isaac Obed Asamoah, Pastor in charge of Gospel Faith Ministries at A-Lang in Accra has said.

“Therefore anyone who will believe that Jesus Christ came for he or her salvation will be saved,” Rev Asamoah said at a Good Friday Church Service held on the theme: “And His Blood has made me whole.”

He explained that the blood of Jesus could rescue believers from all their predicaments, be it sicknesses, bareness, unemployment, poverty and any hardships that seem to overwhelm God’s people, adding: “Christians only have to believe in their Saviour.”

Rev Asamoah reminded Christians that suffering is part of Christianity and when one goes through suffering it does not meant that God had abandon that person.

He therefore encouraged Christians to hold onto their faith and continue to believe in the Savior Jesus Christ who has the power to see them through all sufferings and give them victory in the end.

He took opportunity of the Easter period to urged all people who have not yet accepted Jesus Christ to do so now for them to experience His goodness and salvation from sin and from condemnation.

Members of the Gospel Faith Ministry used the period to hold a five-day prayer retreat and prayed for the country.

The activities would be climax on the Resurrection Sunday, April 5, with a picnic on Easter Monday, April 6 at the Church premises.