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Regional News of Thursday, 5 January 2012

Source: GNA

Eastern Region road accidents claim 270 lives in 2011

Koforidua, Jan. 05, GNA- A total of 270 people lost their lives through motor accidents in the Eastern Region in 2011 as against 245 in 2010, showing an increase of 25 deaths.

The fatalities came from 1,795 cases of motor accidents recorded during the period with 2,051 persons sustaining various degrees of injuries.

Speaking to the Ghana News Agency (GNA), in Koforidua, the Eastern Regional Commander, Motor Traffic and Transport Unit (MTTU), Police Superintendent James Sarfo Peprah, said 219 out of the fatalities was as a result of knock-down in towns and villages by speeding drivers.

He expressed worry about the high number of accident cases and deaths in the Region and promised that his outfit would undertake series of