General News of Wednesday, 9 June 1999

Source: --

Education director worries about low standards

Kade (Eastern Region) 9th June '99

Mr Charles L. Twumasi-Ankrah, Kwaebibirem district director of education, has expressed concern about falling standards of education in the district.

In a letter addressed to stakeholders in education in the district, he spoke of numerous problems affecting education which need to be solved immediately.

He said academic performance is below expectation while drop-out from school and teenage pregnancy is on the increase. He however did not elaborate.

Mr Twumasi-Ankrah said some students are turning to drugs, others are being introduced to pornographic and wild films while some others have abandoned school for mining or trading.

"These problems are stabs in the back of the country's education policy and they need to be tackled and solved by all those who have a stake in education," he said.

He said the "wisdom, expertise and exemplary social standing of the stakeholders make them strong partners in the effort to help raise educational standards."