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Health News of Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Source: GNA

Eighty-four teachers sensitized on breast cancer

Asankare (Ash), July 2, GNA- A breast cancer awareness programme, has been held for 84 female teachers at Asankare near Juaso in the Asante Akim- South District.

The exercise, which was to sensitize the participants on the symptoms and prevention of the disease, was organized by the District Secretariat of the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT). Mrs Ernestina Adu, Senior Midwife at the Juaso District Hospital said since the cost involved in the treatment of the disease was huge, it was imperative for patients to seek early treatment. She entreated women to cultivate the habit of self-examining their breast regularly and report any abnormality to the nearest health facility for prompt attention.

Mrs Adu cautioned patients against resorting to herbal treatment while on medication because of the expensive bills, saying such practices could complicate the situation. She advocated for an intensive public campaign against the disease to eliminate the erroneous notion that the disease was spiritual and incurable.

Mrs Christiana Aidoo, Acting District Director of Health Service expressed her concern about the late reporting of cancer cases and urged patients to seek early treatment to save their lives. She said cancer was curable when detected early and urged the participants to educate their colleagues on the disease. Mr Kennedy Yaw Osei, District GNAT Secretary, commended teachers for availing themselves of the exercise, which he said was crucial to their career.

He hinted that similar exercise would be organized for other teachers in the district and implored them to be conscious of their health, since the disease could pose a threat to their career.