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Regional News of Monday, 10 October 2022


Ejura Traditional Council opens 2022 edition of annual Yam Festival with Moslem Prayer, clean-up exercise

The Ejura Traditional Council The Ejura Traditional Council

The Ejura Traditional Council has officially commenced the 2022 edition of the Ejura Yam Festival with a Moslem prayer and a cleanup exercise. The annual event which is christened "Sekyerene Festival" was formally opened on Friday, October 7, 2022, with a special Moslem prayer led by the Council of Zongo Chiefs in the Ejura-Sekyedumase Municipality. Hundreds of Ejura residents including traditional authorities, and religious leaders attended the prayer to seek God's blessing for the Ejura community and Ghana as a whole. The week-long event immediately followed with a mammoth clean-up exercise on Saturday, October 8, 2022. The exercise, which began at 7am throughout Ejura Traditional Area lasted over four hours with shops and markets closed to pave way for successful work. In an exclusive interview with OTEC News Kwame Agyenim Boateng, the Chief of Ejura Traditional Area Barima Osei Hwedie II appealed to all cooperate organizations, development-oriented groups, and other stakeholders to make it a point and join the other remaining activities in the festival. He pledged his commitment to developing the entire. Ejura land and urged his subjects to rally behind the traditional council. The Festival called "Sekyerene" is marked every year by the chiefs of people to thank God, ancestors, and the traditional stool for providing the people with a bumper harvest of fresh yams in the year just gone by. Remaining Activities The festival will continue on October 11, with a massive health walk and free medical screening for Ejura Residents. On October 12, 2022, groups and associations in the Ejura Traditional Area will participate in a series of games including football, volleyball, and ludo among others. Special praise and worship will be held in the evening of that same where authorities in the area, Members of Parliament, the Municipal Chief Executive, Chiefs, and other dignitaries will address the people. A special bicycle racing competition coupled with cultural display in all languages on Ejura land will be held on October 13 Ejura Chiefs will embark on special cultural worship of their ancestors on October 14, after which a cooking competition will be organized on the same day. This year's festival will be climaxed on October 15, 2022, with a grand durbar at the forecourt of Ejura Palace.