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Politics of Monday, 14 May 2012

Source: GNA

Election 2012 to be fought on achievements, not insults

Dr Kwasi Akyem Apea-Kubi, a Minister of State at the Presidency, said results of the December 7 polls would depend on the achievements of the various political parties, and not insults.

He said the Birim South District needed political leaders, who were committed to bringing development to the people.

Dr Apea-Kubi was speaking at the sod-cutting ceremony for the construction of Gh¢303,000 Community Information Centre at Achaise.

The centre would also have a post office, internet café, gift shop and facilities for the training of the youth in both hard and soft ware in Information, Communication and Technology (ICT).

Dr Apea-Kubi appealed to the District Director of Education to ensure that all the schools in the area benefit from the centre when completed.

He advised the youth to take ICT education seriously to enable them to compete in the labour market.

Dr Apea-Kubi said the district had benefited from government projects in the last three years.

He noted that Government had approved the construction of 200 community senior high schools in the country, and promised that he would ensure that the area benefited from the package.

The Eastern Regional Director of the Architectural and Engineering Services Limited, Mr. Patrick Adugu, said the project which was scheduled for completion in next October, would promote education in the area.

Mr. Kwasi Ahenkorang-Anti of the Birim South District Education Directorate, advised school children to use the centre for their studies, and not to use it for cyber fraud.

The District Chief Executive of Birim South, Mr. Baffour Mensah-Takyi, praised Dr Apea-Kubi for his contributions to the development of the area, and appealed to the people to support the construction of the centre.**