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Politics of Friday, 4 December 2020


Election 2020: Akua Donkor promises peace, happiness for all Ghanaians if elected President

Madam Akua Donor is GFP presidential candidate Madam Akua Donor is GFP presidential candidate

Flagbearer of Ghana Freedom Party (GFP), Akua Donkor, has promised to ensure that Ghanaians enjoy peace and happiness if elected into office on December 7, 2020.

She explained that she will achieve these two attributes of a good life for Ghanaians by making their lives comfortable.

She told state-owned Daily Graphic that she will introduce the free-port system to boost business in Ghana.

There will also be free education from kindergarten to Senior High School as well as free healthcare, water, and electricity under her administration.

Although she has no formal education, the flagbearer of the GFP has promised to be guided by truth, transparency, and love for humanity if elected as president.

“Madam Donkor also said her opponents had not demonstrated enough commitment to tackle corruption which she said was ruining the country.

“According to her, the country would continue to be poorer if truth and transparency did not prevail, adding that when voted into power, she would rule the nation with integrity,” Daily Graphic reported on Friday, December 4, 2020.

She is highly confident of beating the two main political parties, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the New Patriotic Party (NPP).