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General News of Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Source: Allen Anie, Ernestina Ocansey

Empowering Ghana's youth for sustainable development

Sampson Dzivor (left) taking a woman through data entry Sampson Dzivor (left) taking a woman through data entry

As we celebrate International Youth Day 2024, the theme "From Clicks to
Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development” resonates deeply.

With 70% of the SDG targets influenced by digital technologies and data, the
connection between digitalization and accelerating progress toward the SDGs is

Young people, as “digital natives," are at the forefront of adopting and innovating with new technologies, making them a crucial demographic in leveraging digital transformation for sustainable development.

Globally, digital technologies have the potential to address pressing challenges, from climate change to inequality. However, the digital divide persists, and Ghana is no exception.

Despite this, Ghanaian youth are making strides in digital innovation, with initiatives like UNDP’s Young Africa Innovates (YAI) program (in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation) empowering them to develop solutions for sustainable development.

In Ghana, the government has recognized the importance of digitalization in
achieving the SDGs. Initiatives like the “Digital Ghana Agenda” aim to leverage
technology for economic transformation and sustainable development.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is supporting these efforts
through partnerships with the government and innovation organizations.

The $25.8 million partnership with the Mastercard Foundation, for example, aims to create sustainable, inclusive, and equitable opportunities for young people, particularly marginalized groups.

The YAI program, under this partnership, utilizes a challenge fund model to stimulate innovation and scale up impact towards inclusive development.

Beneficiaries of the YAI program, like Sampson Dzivor of Azubi Tech Inclusion,
are already making a difference.

His innovative digital technology solution leverages artificial intelligence to bridge inequality gaps and empower people with disabilities to run competitive businesses.

Similarly, Chelsy Sey is supporting financial inclusion through a cross-platform savings and money transfer application.

She has developed a USSD bot for both Telegram and WhatsApp to help individuals, especially the marginalized and women, build their finances and manage their money with ease.

For countries to move forward with digitalization, there must be increased investment in digital literacy programs to bridge the digital divide and empower more young people to leverage technology for sustainable development. 

Digital literacy is a fundamental skill for the 21st century. However, many young people in Ghana lack access to quality digital literacy training, hindering their ability to fully leverage technology.

The recommended increased investment in digital literacy programs must focus on basic computer skills and online safety; digital entrepreneurship and innovation; data analysis; and interpretation and online collaboration and communication tools.

These programs should be accessible, affordable, and tailored to meet the needs of diverse youth populations, including those in rural areas and marginalized

Support for initiatives like the YAI program, which stimulates innovation and
scale up impact towards inclusive development. The recommended continued
support for such initiatives must focus on providing funding and resources for
youth-led projects, mentoring and coaching for young innovators, networking
opportunities with industry experts and stakeholders and capacity building for
scaling up impact.

By supporting innovative initiatives, we can empower young people to develop solutions that address Ghana's pressing challenges.

Digital transformation requires a collaborative effort from the government,
private sector, and civil society. The recommended solution must focus on
establishing a national digital transformation taskforce, developing policies and regulations that support digital innovation, providing infrastructure and resources for digital entrepreneurship, and fostering partnerships between stakeholders to leverage expertise and resources.

As we celebrate International Youth Day, let us recognize the transformative power of digital technologies in achieving the SDGs. Let's empower Ghana's youth to leverage this power for sustainable development. The future is digital, and the future is now.