Religion of Sunday, 3 May 2009

Source: GNA

Emulate Christ to transform society - Rev. Amenu

Accra, May 3, GNA - The 35th West Volta Presbytery Conference of the Evangelical Presbyterian (EP) Church ended in Accra on Sunday with a call on Christians to emulate Jesus, the good shepherd, to transform the society.

The Right Reverend Francis Amenu, Moderator of the General Assembly of the E.P. Church, delivering the sermon at a thanksgiving service in Dansoman, noted that Christ laid down his life so that mankind would reconcile with God. "We must emulate Christ to be good shepherds not mere hirelings or hired servants working only for money and earthly rewards," he said, adding that the politician, traditional rulers and leaders in society must seek the welfare of their people.

Preaching on the theme: "Newness in Christ Our Good Shepherd," Rt. Rev. Amenu said the Church should be the conscience of the people, "face of the faceless, voice of the voiceless and advocate of the oppressed". He said Christians must not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, social status, ethnicity and colour. "Genuine love should lead us to lay down our lives for the good and benefit of our people. Our love should not only be in words or speech but in truth and action. "Real love should produce selfless and sacrificial giving of our talent and treasures. The greatest act of love is giving oneself for others."

Rt. Rev. Amenu said "newness comes when Christ abides in us and we abide in Him," adding, "when we obey His commandments we shall receive whatever we ask". The Conference decided to take over the financial responsibility for students of the Church studying at the Trinity Theological Seminary in Accra. It would also set up a support fund at the West Volta Presbytery Secretariat in Accra for the students at the Seminary. The Conference said the subscription for Friends of the Evangelical Presbyterian University College at Ho should be rekindled while Reformation Sunday should be observed together with other Reformed Churches. The 36th Conference would be held at Akosombo in the Eastern Region.