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Religion of Sunday, 21 April 2013

Source: GNA

Engage in an economic activity and receive blessings - Pastor

Pastor Thomas Kumih of the Abesim District’s Deeper Life Bible Church at the weekend appealed to advised Christian women to partake in small scale businesses to stay blessed and support their homes.

He urged them to minimize expenses on merry making and develop the habit of saving to secure their future and that of their children.

Pastor Kumih said this on Sunday at the close of a two-day seminar aimed at helping members of the church to establish and expand their businesses at Abesim, a town near Sunyani.

He told the church that God would not rain “manna” on them but would rain blessings on those who engage in any petty trading and other useful economic activity.

Pastor Kumih explained that God expected Christians to find something worth doing so that with his blessings they would prosper and support his kingdom and humanity as well.

He said lazy Christians and those who fold their arms would continue to experience economic hardship in their lives while others who engage in an economic venture would always prosper.

Pastor Kumih said with commitment and vision whatever a Christian laid their hands on would be a blessing and entreated them not to despise farming but see it as a business venture for investment.

Pastor Paul Adu Agyei, Abesim District Pastor of the Church, appealed to Christians to pay their tithes regularly and promptly as that was the only way their businesses would be sustained.

He advised them to also ensure that they speak the truth at all times no matter the consequence and live righteous lives to obtain God’s blessing.