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General News of Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Source: peacefmonline

Enough of the lies and propaganda - GMA

President of the Ghana Medical Association Dr. Kwabena Opoku-Adusei, has warned government to desist from contaminating the minds of Ghanaians with lies about conjured negotiations the government claims to have held with the leaders of the medical association.

Amazed at the way events have turned out, Dr. Opoku Adusei hinted that he and his colleagues were beginning to lose trust in negotiating with the current government due to “mistrust”.

Government expressed disappointment at the action by the Ghana Medical Association (GMA) to soar its strike.

In an interview with Peace FM’s Kwami Sefa-Kayi, the Minister of Information and Media Relations, Hon. Mahama Ayariga, hinted that government believes the solitary rationale of the strike action by the doctors, is to cause more hardship for Ghanaians although government continues to play its part in resolving the issue.

According to him, the GMA accepted a Government proposed payment schedule for the arrears of the Market Premium of the medical doctors for the period up to April 2013. Agreement was also reached on the modalities for dealing with the issue of Conversion Difference and Pension.

But speaking on Okay FM, Dr. Opoku Adusei claimed that officials of government were consistently ready to launch attacks which smacks of “lies and propaganda” anytime members of the association inform Ghanaians about how government is handling their strike action.

According to him, whenever the leadership of the GMA makes strides to meet government officials to get issues resolved, they told government has set up an ‘invisible’ committee.