Politics of Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Eschew greed, arrogance – NPP’s Kankam Boadu to government appointees

David Kankam Boadu is aspiring to be elected as the National Chairman of the NPP David Kankam Boadu is aspiring to be elected as the National Chairman of the NPP

An aspiring National Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has advised all government appointees to maintain their dignity and avoid being greedy as they cross over to 2018.

He observed that most politicians become arrogant and forget the very people who voted for them after winning an election or upon getting a political appointment.

This attitude, according to David Kankam Boadu impedes national development and, therefore, must be discarded.

In his New Year message to government appointees and Members of Parliament, Mr. Boadu said, “Be visible to those who voted for you. Let them see that you are the same old good fellow they know”.

The former spokesperson for the late Alhaji Aliu Mahama also advised President Akufo-Addo’s appointees to pardon those who may have been against their appointments and candidature and start working towards the party’s victory in 2020.

Below is Mr. Boadu’s message


1 . Be visible to those who voted for you. Let them see that you are the same old good fellow they know.

2 . Forgive those who did not like you or your candidature and start bringing them closer to you. Create allies out of enemies.

3 . Start preparing the grounds for 2020 victory, no room for complacency.

4 . Answer your phone calls and stop running away from your Kingmakers. Some of the calls you are swerving, will probably be a life saver for your own self.

5 . The day of reckoning shall surely come so be humble and remember 2020 is just around the corner.

6 . Remember you will die one day so help as many as you can before the clarion calls.

7 . Stop being greedy and conduct yourself as a servant of the people not a master.

8 . Don't condone evil when perpetrated, try to be selfless and dispassionate at all times with matters concerning corruption.

9 . Be a Ghanaian first before a political party member. The interest of the nation must supersede any parochial interest of any sort.

10 . Positions shouldn't affect your sense of reasoning, consistency should be the golden rule to guide one and all.

11 . Remember you are the Leader and therefore also the Servant.

May the Almighty Yaweh give you more wisdom for a deeper understanding and bestow His blessings on these advice given. Many are called, but few are the chosen ones who will stand to the end.

Just a single word to the wise and prudent is enough!!!!

David Kankam Boadu

(Aspiring NPP National Chairman)