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Religion of Sunday, 8 September 2013

Source: Kashaa Nuhu

Eternal Love of God

with Essential Laws of Fearless Life

It is human nature to be afraid of being alone, and sometimes in our most troubled times we feel deserted by our family and closest friends. It is at times like these that we most need the companionship and love of those close to us. Perhaps we are carrying burdens that we don't wish to discuss with someone else, or maybe we don't wish to offload our own troubles and sorrows on someone else.

Here is the trick though. God will NEVER leave us alone. He has promised to always be with us, and when we are at our lowest point, He picks us up and carries us. Never fear, we are always close to the companionship and love of God, no matter who you are or what you have done. Do not be afraid to ask God to help you. Do not be afraid to ask God to stand by you. Kneel before Him and feel His presence in your darkest times.

Sometimes, in this chaotic and busy world, it is difficult to remember that God is in control and that all is happening is according to His will. And especially in our own difficulties it may be hard to understand the will of God, hard to understand or interpret what God has planned for us. Nevertheless, we must be humbled before Him, and submit to His path, whatever that may be. Whatever burdens we are carrying, be sure not to try carrying them on your own. Kneel before God and ask that He will take them from you, have faith, and you may be sure that it will be done.

Beyond any measurement, beyond any human capacity, God LOVES us. Whatever our inner troubles, whatever our sin, we remain His children, and we are LOVED passionately. When we are in pain, God is in pain, when we are in tears, God cries for us. He has shown this in the formation of our being, shown in the early days of our lives and shown in His constant mercies and favours shrew upon us always.

Despite these, God still directed other sacrifices including His Son to the cross, to be scourged and killed for you and I according to the Christian doctrine. Therefore, we can be released from our own sin. God did this for us, in His great love for us, for you and I, and many prophets for the same reasons submitted themselves to the will of their sender.

If we are a parent ourselves, we will know the incredible capacity of love we have for our children. How much greater then is God's love for us? I understand that, bitter and sweet are required situations for us to acknowledge and know the supreme and endless LOVE God has for us.


Why is it that when we hear some bad news, adrenalin pours into our system and it automatically triggers panic in us? We are always so stressed by these overblown reactions, and want to be able to remain calm for the sake of our health and happiness.

Wise, composed, happy, and prosperous people see their lives and events differently than others do. A wise man cannot be duped or mislead. A genuinely happy woman cannot be swayed by bad news. A prosperous individual doesn't panic over an item on the airwaves or a sensational newspaper headline. These peoples' wisdom, happiness, composures and wealth permanently reside within, not without. We must take note of these intricacies of life in order to fully appreciate God’s inalienable adoration of mankind!!

Anyone who genuinely is happy or wise is always in that way in every situation. Such person brings that quality everywhere he or she goes. Wisdom and happiness are that person's nature and therefore always live by that. The contrary is also true: An angry or fearful person carries anger and fear everywhere and into all situations with him or her. And this explains the fact why "what you see is what you get" If we're afraid, we see the world through fear's eyes, so fear is what we experience and nothing else. If we're wise, we find wisdom in what we see, and so truth is what we live and not a feign life in constant fear.

When we change our nature, we change our world and how we view it. For instance, place a happy person and a bitter person together in the same room and they experience that room in completely different ways. So where do we begin this process of changing our nature? We begin by understanding and observing our present nature and how it operates. People do not understand themselves and are their own source of constant confusion and worry. But we can learn to see our fear with new eyes that also see that we no longer have to be in that fear. Let us realize that we don't have to act on those worrisome, anxious thoughts; instead, we can calmly observe them with positive mind set without necessarily becoming them.

We are not our thoughts. We do not create our thoughts, and we do not have to obey any thought. Being a receiver of thought, just as with a radio, we have the power to turn the dial! We can wake up right in the middle of any thought that may be terrorizing us and see that is all, it was just a thought and nothing binding on us. This is a marvelously freeing, uplifting, and powerful fact, and the more we learn about this, the more our own life will become what we have always desired. Life is about how we make it, any other thing is just a little push to cushion us hold on to the bigger challenge of the fearful life.

May the good lord be our guide all the time. Never despair, you are loved!

Kashaa Nuhu