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General News of Saturday, 2 September 2006

Source: Ghanaian Voice

Ex-Convicts Hold All Night Party

To Celebrate ACP Kofi Boakye’s Proceed-On-Leave
To Welcome Notorious Criminal Back From Jail

Suspected criminals and their accomplices, including ex-convicts last weekend held an all- night merry-making at a locality within the Accra suburb of Nima to celebrate the interdiction of their sworn enemy, ACP Kofi Boakye. The occasion was also used to welcome their local hero and notorious criminal, popularly known as Apalalu, from jail.

The Ghanaian Voice newspaper gathered that Apalalu, a known criminal who escaped police arrest on countless occasion until he was busted by personnel from the Regional police office under the command of ACP Kofi Boakye, hosted the party to “thank God” that his subjugator was no more at post and also as a welcome party after serving three years in jail.

There was more than enough to drink and eat, while it was established that marijuana and other narcotic substances such as cocktail, 'crack and rock' were generously distributed free of charge just like Christians enjoy communion at Church by the host and ring leader of the suspected criminals, Apalalu, also known as Stone.Vibrating loud sounds were not left out and the slogan for the occasion was ‘Kofi Boakye Go, Apalalu Come”, in obvious reference to the fact that ACP Kofi Boakye has vacated post while the elusive and dangerous Apalalu is back into action.

According to our reliable source, who resides in the neighbourhood, interestingly the ladies were not left out as they joined their male counterparts in the all night boozing and smoking spree.

An undercover visit by the Ghanaian Voice to the venue of the party on Wednesday, this week, few days after the event, established that there were still pieces of narcotic stuff on the ground with the infamous slogan “Kofi Boakye go, Apalalu Come” boldly written with charcoal on the wall.

“The guy (Apalalu) sees the interdiction of ACP Kofi Boakye and his release from jail as double victory over his captor and even fired three warning shots into the air as a sign of victory,” stated our source who hinted that the Police administration should monitor Apalalu and his cronies carefully since from all indications they are determined to strike seriously.

When asked why the youth and opinion leaders in the locality could not mobilize force and stop the party, particularly with the open smoking of narcotics, our source retorted that “You dare not cross path with those guys if you value your life.

Apalalu was arrested four years ago by a combined team of personnel from the Regional Police Office and the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) under the command of ACP Kofi Boakye, then the Regional Police Commander and was handed a three-year jail term much to the anguish of his captor.

His arrest, it was learnt ended after a two-year manhunt for him, as he always proved elusive amid reports that he used spiritual powers, also called juju, to escape arrest. Before his arrest, he had his two fingers cut off and brutally assaulted by thugs from Accra’s famous Kokomba market, while on a mission before being handed over to the police. He was then on police wanted list, so was sent to the Police hospital under guard but once again proved elusive when he escaped with bandaged head and blooded swollen face the following day. His escape from the police hospital came as a surprise to the police and pressmen, who had gone to catch a glimpse of the arrested notorious armed robber, as it was aired on Accra-based TV3 station upon his arrest.