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Crime & Punishment of Monday, 25 March 2013

Source: GNA

Ex-convict jailed 90 years for robbery

A twenty-five-year-old fisherman was on Monday sentenced to 90 years imprisonment by an Accra Circuit Court for robbery and conspiracy to rob.

Isaac Mensah aka Perdor and three other accomplices now at large are said to have robbed a police officer and his friend of a Del laptop valued at GHS1,400 and cash amounting to GHS4,150, a digital camera, two mobile phones a handcuff, Police Identity Card and other personal effects during a visit to the Korkrobite beach.

Isaac pleaded guilty to the charge of robbery after pulling a cutlass on his victims and the court convicted and sentenced him to 50 years imprisonment accordingly.

In addition, Isaac has also been sentenced to 40 years by the same court presided over by Mr Francis Obiri on the charges of conspiracy and robbery in another crime incident.

Although Isaac pleaded guilty to the charge, his accomplice Eric Nii Adotey Addotey denied the charge. Addotey has since been remanded.

Isaac, an ex-convict had pleaded with the court to deal leniently with him and that he would not embark on any robbery activity again

Handing down the sentence, the court noted that Isaac had earlier been jailed for stealing a mobile phone and returned from prison a year ago.

According to the court, he did not want to reform as his earlier jail term of six months was meant to reform him.

The court noted that if one did not want to reform, then one should be kept away from society for a longer period, stressing that if Isaac had been able to rob a policeman, how would he treat a civilian.

According to the court, Isaac’s involvement in the two robbery incidents indicated that he was not going to put a stop to the habit as he had graduated from stealing to robbery.

The case as presented by Chief Superintendent of Police Duuti Tuoroka is that the complainant was a Detective Lance Corporal stationed at the Criminal Investigations Department (CID), headquarters, Accra.

Isaac resides at Korkrobite, Accra. On March 3, this year, the complainant and his friend, Rita Narh visited the Korkrobite beach and while leaving the place at about 8:20 pm, Isaac and his accomplices attacked them with cutlasses and ordered them to surrender their belongings.

Chief Supt. Tuoroka said the complainant and his relative obliged and gave up the items after which the thieves bolted.

The case was reported to the Police and on March 15, this year, investigations led to the arrest of Isaac at James Town and he confessed carrying out the crime.

According to Chief Supt. Tuoroka, Isaac indicated that they shared the booty at a nearby bush saying he received GHS800 as his share.

Isaac further stated that he and his accomplices gave the laptop, camera, and two phones to one Awal for safekeeping.

They then dumped the bag and handcuff in the premises of a resort at Korkrobite. Police investigations, however, led to the retrieval of the bag and hand cuff.

In the matter in which Isaac was sentenced to 40 years, he and three other accomplices robbed an Italian, Renato Capprarotto of his passport, a camera and 2,000 Euros.