General News of Wednesday, 2 November 2016


Explosives discovery signal to politicians - Aning

Dr Kwesi Aning, Security Expert Dr Kwesi Aning, Security Expert

Security expert Dr Kwesi Aning has said the explosives discovered in Kumasi Tuesday could be the work of militants.

Dr. Aning is however cautioning the security apparatus not to rule out communal clashes as they probe the matter.

The Ashanti Regional Security council on Tuesday defused the explosives which were planted around the house of Deputy Regional minister Andy Osei Okrah.

Speaking to Starr News, the Head of the Department of Research at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) said the mater should be given the needed attention.

“This sends a clear signal that we are not safe, earlier last year both Islamic state and Al-Qaeda had promised to undertake a spectacular airborne attack, if you look at the number of times major arms have been seen over the past months in this country; who are those behind it? where did the arms come from, where were they going...we need answers to all these questions”, Dr.Aning stated.