Letters From Ghanaian Peacekeepers around the Globe
From JABU-KOSVO: I have followed with interest the whole story since the "UN Worker" began his revelations. Some officers on ground or at home have commented either in support of this "worker" or have condemed him. All what I see is that some people are writing to encourage their colleague, because they also feel cheated while others are writing to support the Police Administration because the names of Senoir officers who helped them in one way or the other are been pulled into mud. My stand is that if Mr Da Rocha, the head of the Police Council has welcome the idea of setting up a probe into the issue then memoranda must be invited to assist investigations. What all should note is that
- (1) A UN worker has alleged that 500Euros has been collected from him and other colleagues here in Kosovo for a purpose he do not understand.
(2) Others have come out to say that the Police Administration has collected and is still collecting 1600 and 1900 Euros respectively from peacekeepers in East Timor and Kosovo.
- #1. How many peacekeepers have so far contributed to the fund?
#2. Who has since been the Administrator of this fund?
#3. How much is in the Accounts(if there is something like that)
#4. How much was used to purchase GP 1047 & GP 1048 which the Staff Officers(Mr.Asiedu & Mr.Boanu) are saying they bought.
#5. How many computers were bought by Mr. Asiedu (then Staff Officer) when he told reporters in Ghana that the Development Fund was being increased from 500 to 1000 Euros because a computer poll is to be set up.
#6 Where actually is the Computer poll?
#7.Mr. Asiedu also told the reporters that part of the Development Fund was to be used to pay relieve allowances for Senior officers who take up duties of those who travel on peacekeeping. How much have been paid and who are the beneficiaries?
From Policeman (in Ghana):
The Chief Staff Officer Assistant Commissioner James Oppon-Boanuh said some time ago that, computers have been purchased for a central computer pool for the general use of the police service.
If such a facility exists, how come all the policemen I've talked to know nothing about this? I live in Accra and use the internet cafe to communicate. If I knew of such a pool, I'll use it. Or is this only for the "BIG MEN"?
From Anonymous: The Police Inspector at the Pristina Detention Centre should examine his conscience again and tell the truth. I work in Kosovo and have spoken to several Police Officers who came with the same contingent as that 'chicken 'Inspector. They all confirmed the extortion or payment of $1600 and $500 to their hierarchy in Ghana.
Please tell the truth and help the government find lasting solutions to the chronic corruption in the Ghana Police Force and stop covering up for them.
From K.K.K: Dear Sir,
Kindly give me a space to express my views. I made my mind not to make a coment on the above subject matter. But the way things are going it seems the IGP is not awere of some things, but he is trying to defend his men at the top there.
Why did Mr. Kwasi Nkansah quit? Can't he talk? Is he not the one who addressed the contigent before enplanment?
MR. NKANSAH WHY have you QUIT? SAY SOMETHING. MR. I.G.P The whole thing which has made nyamaa nyamaa no bi anything ooh let the pure Peace keeper how much he going to pay because no adm. sells uniforms to members even during the time the NOTORIOS DISTROYERS AND THE CRIMINALS (N.D.C). HOW MUCH MORE TODAY THAT OUR SAVIOUR JAK AND NPP THE BLESSED PARTY. MORE TO FOLLOW.
From a serving Inspector in the Ghana Police Service
Dear Editor,
I am a serving Inspector in the Ghana Police Service. I have also taken part in a peacekeeping mission in the same Kosovo. In fact, I would have wished to mention my name and station, but since you have decided to treat all contributions to the subject under 'anonymity,' I will obey the rules and toe the line.
I must say that I am highly disappointed about the way things are going. I am more worried about the way some of my colleagues conduct themselves, especially in the events like the one before us now. Actually, the Policeman is supposed to be as intelligent as any human being can think of. This is because we are entrusted with the responsibility of investigating matters, before they are brought before even the law court for hearing. But we are not seen to be doing the same thing when we are in a least involved in similar matters.
I am not in any way challenging the authenticity of the allegation, as levelled by my colleague who is now in Kosovo, and think that he is not been treated fairly. If the allegation is true, I really sympathised with him, and pray that his issue is addressed fairly. However, I am not particularly happy about the way he has tried to involved people who might not know anything about the alleged extortion, but has chosen to embarrass them to such an extent. Though I can not hold brief for anybody, I hope my good friend in Kosovo will admit that he did not do a good investigative work to ascertain if really Mr. Joe Boakye-Appiah, or the IGP or any Minister has actually authorised any commander to collect money from them on their behalf, before mentioning their names. It is too bad, and very unfortunate. Now, what will the 'originator' do if it is established that nobody has authorised any person to collect any money on their behalf? It may then mean that these persons have been disgraced for nothing. We should remember that it is easier to destroy than to build.
Let me also say that it is not only Ghanaians who visits ghanaweb, and therefore should not forgotten that we are making ourselves 'laughing stocks' among other officers from other countries whose situation would be worst than what we call bad here. At least there would have been an equally or more effective way of addressing the situattion than what we are reading now. Even Police Council would have been happier to have received the complaint from the aggrieved officer for investigation. Or the office of the President wouldn't have slept over the allegation. We must learn to behave like the intelligent officers we want the public to regard us.
The only caution I will give to my "honourable colleague" presently in Kosovo is, that he may one day become a very "responsible" officer, and his subordinates will treat him the same way, so he must be very careful about whatever he is doing now.
The last, but not the least, goes to the Editor. Mr Editor, now that the Police Council has taken over the investigations of the allegation, it will only be proper, if you could advise all potential contributors or those who think they have information that can help unearth the truth, to address all their concerns to the Council, rather than allowing "undeserving people" to say all sort of things about our only Police Service in the Country. I am done.
From East Timor: We Police Peacekeepers in East Timor have been following events that unfolding in Kosovo. My concern is the second part of the story which talks about monies being paid by Police Peacekeepers on their return from the various missions. We in East Timor numbering 70 men and women have been asked to pay $1600.00 on our return to Ghana including $300.00 payment on ordinary Police uniform which we use on our daily routine duties whilst in Ghana. Wait for more info
From Asem beba Debi (Accra): My brother works for the Ghana peace keeping forces. He has told me about the malpractices. The problem is he has no solid proof, so he can't come out yet. It's a well know fack amony Soilders & police.
I am happy this UN money for peacekeepers issue has come up. It should be thouroughly investigated. Not only Kosovo, but Lebanon, Sirerra Leone, Namibia... in fact all peacekeeping operations. We should be told where the money has been going. I will not be surprised if the big men (ministers, IGP, Police top guns etc) are choping. The account should be investigated. IGP stop shifting the focus. we want to know what has been done with Ghana's money
From Anonymous: Are you aware of the contributions of all Military Officers on Military Observer missions to an account that has not yet been publicly audited?
They contribute 20% of their Mission Subsistence Allowance to a fund the use of which has not been satisfactorily explained. Please inquire but be discreet and avoid mentioning this address.
Ex-peacekeeper (now in Ghana):
Mr editor,
I am **********. This peacekeeping stuff is full of corruption. Nothing has changed since the current NPP govt came to power. We bribe our way to be selected. Half of our allownaces goes into pockets of the people at the top and when we talk we are either transffered, of dismissed. NPP and NDC are all the same. The interior minister should really do something about this. I quit the force, so I don't give a **** if you use my name.
Peacekeeper in Kosovo: My name is ******** and I am a Police Inspector who has been working at the Pristina Detention centre for the past nine months. I am re- acting to the above headline allegations on my own behalf. For once I beg the police procedure to allow me to talk since I cannot continue to keep quite when a faceless so called peace keeper in Kosovo continue to drag the name of Mother Ghana in the mud.
Please Mr Peacekeeper if some of you have been defrauded of your monies, by some Officers,my money has not been taken by any Officer and I have not been blackmailed or money extorted from me. Investigations should continue and if there is any such thing, I have no problems with whatever action is taken.
My main concern is the Politics being played by the person making the allegations. If for nothing at all, most Ghanians are aware that most of the current ministers including our sector Minister are millioniares before taking their current jobs.
In fact one of them had to forgo his 25,000 dollars job to become a Minister for around 300 dollars or so because of mother Ghana.They therefore do not need a poor policemans money to on and so leave them alone. If you think you are fighting for us,come into the open but dont hide.You can however mount the political platform when you get back to Ghana. Now come on.
It is not true that we were made to sign any document under duress by Mr Kwesi Nkansah before coming. Looking at the hectic nature of the whole selection excersise, I was so happy when I finally signed that I will pay 1900 dollars to Ghana when I returned because I knew that -aba mu awie- and that I was not going to be as I was when I returned considering that I was going to be paid well. So if you are not happy speak for yourself but dont include all of us.
This development levy has been there for a long time and I once paid it when I returned from my first mission in 19**. If you are calling on the Police authorities to account for these monies,I have no problems with you. We Ghanianas , are a Patriotic People so if we are asked to pay 1900 dollars which is less than one month salary here to Ghana what is wrong with it?
Now when we were leaving Accra in April 2002,everybody was given 300 dollars and the aim of giving us that money was to take care of our immediate dependants and families and leave some as few days pocket money. It was not meant for hotel bills and therefore refundable.What happened was that, on our arrival in Kosovo,we were sent to ILLIRIA HOTEL in the capital Pristina.This is where all peace keepers are lodged on arrival in Kosovo.
You are giving breakfast but you take care of lunch and supper. Instead of all the 54 Policemen staying in the hotel,some left the hotel which was 20 Euros per night to go and stay with some old Ghanian peace keepers and others to different hotels saying ILLIRIA was expensive and so had to pay the hotel they left and the new one they went in.What the UN does is to pay advance salary which we call mission subsistence allowance to new arrivals a day before they leave hotel ILLIRIA so that they pay the hotel bills and to hire rooms and food etc in their new stations. Mr Peace Keeper.
Who asked you to use part of the 300 dollars to pay hotel bills?. Come on. With regards to the winter clothings any investigations can be conducted about it but for the clothings especially the sleeping bag, some of us would have been sent back in boxes,Many of the countries in the mission were not given winter clothings and I tell you they envy us for that.Do you know how much some of them used in buying winter clothings?.
If you do not appreciate what the Police has done for you, dont disgrace it. My attention was drawn this morning 8/1/03 about a front page news item of 7/1/03 in the Albanian daily BOTA SOT about this same allegations.I could not read it but I saw Ghana,27,000 Euro, 54 police,and Kofi Annan. I became a subject of radicule by my fellow workers knowing that I am from Ghana. Mr Peace Keeper, where are you sending Ghana?.
By the way ,how did you arrive by your figure 27,000. Is it because were are 54 and you took it that if everybody was to pay 500 euro,it would be 27,000. If so then you are wrong. What about I ****** who was not aware of anything but read it on the internent? Please if somebody has defrauded you go and collect your money and leave us in peace. Please note also that we have not been given three months extension as you stated earlier. I finally wish to tell the Police Administration that we the 54 group have not met to decide anything or approve of what the writer is doing. Some of us even do not know who he is. They should therefore not take all of us as bad or ungrateful because I and others appreciate what the service has done for us.
From joggeha linarr (SIL): My friend the Inspector at Pristina Detention,I doubt if you know what you are talking about. We are all in Kosovo but I am not in your group. One of your men confided me in that they were to pay 500 Euro for extension of time. So who are you deceiving? I hope you are not here in Kosovo to hold brief for anybody. Some of the 54 can never refute this. Only Ghanaians are 'fear,fear' people, else some people would have pack bag and baggade and return home. God save Ghana.
Ex-peacekeeper in Lebanon (now in USA): I have some very damming information, but I'll wait and see how things go before I release it. It concerns people currently in the police administration & the ministry. Peacekeeing has been and continue to be a cash cow for ministers & top people in the police & army. We WERE ROBBED in DAYLIGHT!!!!!
Ghanaweb is providing an avenue for police officers and peacekeeping forces on duty in Kosovo and anywhere else to air their grievances. They should either post to our discussion forum SIL (CLICK HERE) or email us at kosovo@ghanaweb.com. No name will be published or realeased to authorities.