General News of Saturday, 19 April 2014

Source: xyz

Facebook fan page pushes Spio 2016 presidential agenda

A group on facebook is pushing for a 'Spio Gabrah for 2016' presidential campaign. The ‘Spio Gabrah for 2016’ fan page has the picture of the former flagbearer aspirant of the governing national democratic congress.

It is written on the page: “Since we believe that Spio Gabrah is the right choice for the NDC, preparation works to see him achieve this feat must be done and done well.”

The page adds that: “We believe in the best and not mediocrity, and Spio Gabrah represents the best.”

The page currently has a little under 2,000 followers. Its most recent post was on March 28, 2014 and reads: “Have we really failed our people? Ghana indeed deserves better!”

Dr Ekwow Spio Gabrah is a former Chief Executive of the London-based Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO). He is the first African to have held the post in more than 100 years of the CTO’s existence.

He was Ghana's Minister of Communication from July 1997 to December 1998, Minister of Education from December 1998 to January 2001, and was concurrently Minister responsible for Mines and Energy from October to December 1999, under the government of President Jerry John Rawlings. Earlier he served as Ghana’s Ambassador to the USA and Mexico from June 1994 to June 1997, during the Bill Clinton administration.

Dr Spio Gabrah has served as acting Chairman of Ghana's National Communications Authority from July 1997 to December 1998, first Chairman of Ghana's VAT Service Board from 1997 to 1998 and was a member of the Governing Board of UNESCO in Paris.

Previously, he was a senior official of the African Development Bank (1991-94), the World Bank Group 1988-91), Southwestern Bell (USA) and Hill and Knowlton (USA), from 1979-88. In September 2007, he became a member of the board of Telkom South Africa and subsequently also joined the Board of Vodacom South Africa from December 2007 until May 2009. He is Chairman of the U.K.-based African Cancer Organisation

In December 2006 Ekwow Spio-Garbrah contested for the flagbearership of the NDC which was at the time in opposition. He came in second to Professor John Atta Mills who became President in 2008 but passed away on July 24, 2012.