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General News of Monday, 26 September 2016


Fadi Dabbousi went on hunger strike during detainment – Lawyer

Fadi Dabbousi play videoFadi Dabbousi

Hassan Tampuli, counsel for remorseful critic of the Mahama administration Fadi Dabbousi has stated that his client refused to ingest any food which was offered to him during his time at the BNI headquarters.

According to Mr. Dabbousi’s lawyer, although his client revealed that he was treated with maximum respect, he declined to eat any food which he was served with.

He added that Mr. Dabbousi is in good health although he is dehydrated and has lots of mosquito bite marks after he was released on Sunday.

On Friday, Fadi Dabbousi was picked up by some officials of the Bureau of National Investigation upon arriving at the Kotoka International Airport, detained for over 48-hours and questioned over comments he made about President Mahama in some articles published in some media outlets

In one of such articles, Mr. Dabbousi is said to have claimed that the President has impregnated one of the daughters of Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II.

Mr. Dabbousi has however apologised to the President and stated that he has no ill-feelings toward him.

The author and private pilot is believed to be a sympathiser of the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP).

A book he launched recently titled ‘59 years to Nowhere: The Future is Now,’ is believed to be about President Mahama and the governing party.

The whole development generated a lot of commentary and backlash from some NPP sympathisers and activists on social media.