General News of Wednesday, 23 November 2022


Failure to pay 9 months arrears will discredit government's good works – NaBCo trainees

Some NABCO personnel Some NABCO personnel

Beneficiaries of the Nation Builders Corps (NABCO) have reminded government OF their nine-months unpaid arrears.

According to the NABCO beneficiaries who have not been paid their allowances under government’s flagship programme, it “will be extremely disastrous” to fail to do so, under the current economic situation in the country.

A statement issued on Tuesday, 22 November 2022, signed by its National President, Dennis Katakyie said: “The programme has been beneficial, but if care is not taken to redress the outstanding payment issues, the pain suffered by trainees will swallow the gains by the initiative on the case of the current administration.”

The President of NABCO beneficiaries also pleaded with government to “settle the nine months arrears to bring some relief to beneficiaries.”

The statement indicated that: “Failure to pay the arrears will create an indelible scar to discredit the good works of government so far as the programme is concerned.”