General News of Saturday, 16 March 2013

Source: Joy Online

Fake Ghanaian visas on the increase – Immigration Service

Officials of the Ghana Immigration Service say they have recorded more fake visas this year as compare to previous years.

According to them, forging of visas by some unscrupulous persons is on the rise and are therefore working hard to arrest those involved.

The latest was the arrest of some 27 Chinese who got into the country with fake visas claiming to be business persons.

Public Relations Officer of the Immigration Service, Francis Palmdeti warned prospective visa applicants to be weary of using middlemen.

He has therefore advised prospective travelers to go directly to the country’s missions abroad.

He said this year alone, 65 foreigners have been repatriated for possessing fake visas “and this number compared to the previous years is on a high side”.

In the wake of some foreigners, especially Chinese nationals, engaging in illegal mining activities in the country, he said “we need to put a close watch on individuals who come to our country or foreigners who are seeking visas to be sure they are people we desire to have in our country.”