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Regional News of Monday, 5 September 2016


Family crucial in nation building - Nathafest Foundation boss

File photo. File photo.

Nathafest Foundation, a non-governmental organization in collaboration with School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management organized a one day workshop for stakeholders in the tourism and hospitality industry.

The workshop, which focused on the role of the family in nation building was held at SwissGha Hotel (the only Ghanaian hotel to use environmental friendly energy to run it facilities on 24 hours solar energy).

Mr. Goyimwole Enukomeko Kpodo, chairman of the Nathafest Foundation stated that “the role of the family in nation building is indeed a significant tool one cannot overlook. Generally speaking, our families have [a] very important role to play in our daily social lives looking at the dynamic changes in our society today. With the fast immerging trends in social media and rapid technological advancements, families (parent) should [guide children in order to shape] their dreams.”

He added that discipline in the child’s life at an early stage is the best way to nurture them towards a competitive future.

“As head of the family, one must exhibit high moral standards in the home so that our future leaders [children] will grow up to know how to relate well and respect others” he reiterated.

The CEO of SwissGha Hotel Rev. Patrick Ennin also added that a family is a God given institution which is expected to help in nation building.

“God in his own wisdom gave us our families, no one gets to choose which family he/she wants to be in; He purposely put us there for very significant reasons. So, no one should think they are in a wrong family or God did not serve them justice by giving them a wrong or bad family” he averred.

He challenged heads of families to instil the fear of God in their children so that they will grow up to understand that nothing can be done without God.

“God must be placed first in all things, nothing can be done without him. As parents, we should try and instil the fear of God in our children , because if we don’t do that, we are leaving the future of our children in jeopardy and that will tell a bad story about us when we are gone,” he warned.