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Regional News of Monday, 22 December 2014


Family that lived in cemetery for 24yrs given decent home

A 60-year-old woman, Julie Sampana and her five children, who have been living in a cemetery for over 24 years, have been rescued and given decent accommodation.

The Bolgatanga-born woman said she moved to the Mantseman cemetery at Abeka in the national capital, Accra together with her husband and children at a time when things got tough financially.

“I have been living here for the past 24 years…I moved in with my husband and children when times were tough and we could not afford a decent accommodation.

"So when a deceased friend of mine gave us this place to live in, we did not have an option,” she told Starr news reporter Asabea Akonor.

Julie Sampana and her children were originally offered a three-bedroom house by NGO, Development Initiative for African Women, but she turned down that offer and rather opted for a one-bedroom apartment saying they would be content with “just that”.

A resident of Abeka who knows Sampana and her children told Starr news she was excited the family will finally get a decent place to live, but not surprised they rejected the offer of a bigger space.

“I came here 23 years ago and they were here [Abeka] before I came…Because she hasn’t seen such a place before. Imagine you have been in a single room for about twenty-seven years with five kids and a husband.

"Sometimes friends come, live with them and go. Actually it’s not their fault. Because she is not used to such,” she noted.

According to her, “[Sampana] wants a chamber and hall. She wants where people are. A pubic place where she can see people around. She [doesn’t] want a complete house for her alone”.