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Crime & Punishment of Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Source: GNA

Farmer fined for stealing pregnant sheep

Kade, Oct. 21, GNA - William Anane, a farmer, who stole a pregnant sheep, has been sentenced to a fine of GH¢500 by the Kade District Magistrate's Court. In default, Anane, who pleaded guilty, would be imprisoned for nine months in hard labour. Police Inspector Francis Cobbina, prosecuting, told the court presided over by Mr Kwaku Baah-Frempong that, on October 11, this year at about 0800 hours, the complainant, Comfort Darkwa, released her eight sheep for grazing.

He said about 10 minutes later, the complainant spotted Anane dragging a sheep with a rope tied around its neck heading towards the Kade Ghana Commercial Bank. Prosecution said Comfort became suspicious and therefore rushed to where her sheep were grazing and detected that her pregnant sheep was missing.

The complainant, he said, followed up to the bank's area and met Anane having finished negotiation about the sale of the sheep with a butcher, who had then put it in a taxi. The prosecution said the Comfort then confronted Anane, who admitted stealing the sheep on the refuse dump. With assistance of passengers on board the taxi, Anane was arrested and he and the pregnant sheep were taken to the police station. Upon interrogation, Anane admitted the offence and stated that he needed money to buy agro-chemicals for his farming ventures hence he stole the sheep to sell to raise money.