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Crime & Punishment of Tuesday, 27 December 2005

Source: GNA

Farmer jailed for defiling eight-year-old girl

Tepa (Ash), Dec. 27, GNA - The Tepa circuit court on Thursday sentenced Yaw Mahama, 19, a farmer at Basikyi cottage, near Mpasaaso in Ashanti to 20 years imprisonment for defiling an eight-year-old primary three pupil.

Mahama pleaded guilty but explained that he did not have sex with the victim on a table as presented the prosecution but had her on a log in an open space in a house.

Prosecuting, Police Inspector Isaac Kobina Dampson told the court presided over by Mr Sam Kwaku Bensa Alomato that the victim lived in the same cottage with the accused.

He said on November 24, this year, the victim complained of bodily pains to the father and when she was questioned, she mentioned Mahama, as the one who sexually assaulted her, adding that, after her ordeal, the accused threatened to beat her, if she disclosed anything to her parents.

Inspector Dampson said the father therefore reported the case to the police and he was issued with medical forms to take the victim to hospital.

He said the medical report confirmed the victim's story and the police subsequently arrested Mahama and charged him before court. Dec. 27, 05