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Crime & Punishment of Sunday, 19 July 2015

Source: GNA

Farmer remanded for murdering girlfriend

Suspect handcuffed Suspect handcuffed

The Akim Swedru Circuit Court has remanded into prison custody a 43-year-old farmer who allegedly slashed his girlfriend with a cutlass to death.

Kwame Badu was charged with murder contrary to section 46 of Act 29/60 and would reappear on July 31, 2015.

Briefing the court presided over by Mr Emmanuel Plange Brew, Chief Inspector Fabbian Sallah said; Kwame Badu the accused comes from Gomoa Lome but lives at Bomoden village near Akim Aprade with Madam Abena Dua, 46, the deceased.

The prosecutor said on July 15, this year, at about 0820 hours, Mr Yaw Foh, a witness in the case reported to the Akim Aprade Police that, during the night of July 14, this year, a misunderstanding ensued between the accused and the deceased and in the process Badu slashed the deceased on the right upper temple with a cutlass to death.

According to the prosecution, the police went to the tragic scene and conveyed the corpse to the Akim Oda Government Hospital for autopsy whilst the accused was arrested from his hide out.