General News of Wednesday, 17 March 2004

Source: GNA

Fast Track court for AMA offences

Accra, March 17, GNA - The Judicial Service is to set up a special court to fast-track the trial offences committed under Accra Metropolitan Assembly's (AMA) byelaws offences such as the sale of items on the streets with effect from March 27, 2004.

A statement signed on Thursday by Mr N. L Tettey, the Metro Coordinator listed a number of offences for which the Assembly would be prosecuting offenders to include the sale of sugarcane and coconut on the streets and the closure of streets for social activities. "Sellers of sachet water should be stationary and carry bags to collect emptied wastes. Containers/kiosks positioned on walkways or waterways thereby causing obstruction to motorists and pedestrians should be removed within 21 days.

"Stray animals such as sheep, goats, cows, and dogs found in the streets and other public places would be rounded up and regarded as public properties," the statement said.

It said unauthorized billboards positioned at various points should be removed within 21 days.

Garages, which have accumulated disused vehicles, should be relocated within 21 days.

Heavy dosage of commercial posters plastered around public places and poles should also cease.

The statement said the above offences have become endemically problematic were embodied in the vision of the new Accra Mayor, "War Against Filth, Indiscipline and Low Revenue Collection".

It said the first eight days in office of the Mayor was spent in gathering logistics for the effective evacuation of filth with the support of the Regional Coordinating Council and the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development.

The programme shall be implemented in eight of he 68 electoral areas spearheaded by Assembly members and senior citizens supported by taskforces.

"It is anticipated that during the campaign period, markets, drinking spots, restaurants, shops and all allied commercial activities shall not operate between the hours of 0500 hours and 1400 hours," the statement said.

Voluntary Sanitary Overseers to be supported by the Police personnel would monitor the activities of recalcitrant residents.