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Boxing News of Monday, 23 October 2017

Source: Daniel David Quartey

Feature: Why Bukom Banku lost to Bastie Samir

Bukom Banku Bukom Banku

Last Saturday night at the Bukom Boxing Arena, Bastie Samir won the bragging right over Brimah ‘Bukom Banku’ Kamoko

Before the fight he (Brimah Kamoko) was the favorite, he talked tough and everybody believes he has the quality to beat Bastie Samir but that failed to come to past as he was handed his first career lost.

Kamoko started the first two rounds very well but he was sent crashing to the mat in round three. He never got despaired as he kept his composure and he was effective with his jabs from round four to the six round (a round he predicted he will stop Samir).

Samir tactics worked perfectly in the seventh round, he forced Kamoko to adapt to his game plan and he took advantage of it and he Knocked out the Bukom born boxer.

To a lot of people they will be asking themselves why Kamoko lost in that manner, but for me who has followed boxing for the past 15 years I wasn’t surprised that Kamoko lost.

Kamoko lost because of a lot of factors and these are the factors:


One factor that caused Kamoko’s defeat was indiscipline. To be a good boxer you have to be discipline. After Kamoko’s last fight against Ayitey Powers which was December 2015. Kamoko never took his profession serious, no training, doing a lot of disgusting things. He put on a lot of weight, and when his fight against Bastie Samir was announced four months ago he had to shed a lot of weights in order to meet the agreed weight clash for the fight, the cruiserweight, and that affected him.


Kamoko underrated Samir prior and during the fight and he paid dearly for it. Samir is a powerful fighter, he has a lot of power and you can’t fight such a boxer with your guard down. From the start of round one Kamoko never held his guard up and Samir punished him for that.

Kamoko fell into Samir’s game plan

The two boxers have different style. Kamoko like to box while Samir is a fighter, the former was doing well when he was boxing and moving around while the latter did very well whenever he stands toe to toe with Kamoko.

Samir’s plan was to trade punches with Kamoko and he forced the latter to adapt to his plan he overpowered him.

Watch Bastie Samir defeat Bukom Banku in the video below