General News of Friday, 22 January 2021


Fight coronavirus with more education not rigid enforcement – GIMPA Lecturer

Mask wearing in public is compulsory. Mask wearing in public is compulsory.

The fight against coronavirus must be through sustained education of the populace and not necessarily rigid enforcement of protocols put in place.

The point about sustained education united two academics even though they were split on the mode of enforcement of safety protocols.

For Dr Kwaku Agyeman-Budu, head of Law Centres, GIMPA Faculty of Law; there was the need for less rigid enforcement of protocols despite the spike in cases.

He contended that care-free nature of political rallies and Christmas festivities meant that a spike was only a matter of time.

"I agree that there must be sustained education but I don’t think rigid enforcement [of the coronavirus protocols] is the way to go," he said whiles making submissions on Accra-based Asaase Radio.

His co-panelist, Prof Ransford Gyampo of the University of Ghana, however, said it was important that rigid enforcement backed the public education efforts. "There must be sustained education accompanied with rigid enforcement [of coronavirus protocols]."

Some virus enforcement protocols include the compulsory wearing of nose masks in public and ban on certain categories of gatherings. Police have been making arrests across the country with respect to non-compliance especially of mask-wearing.