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Regional News of Tuesday, 18 January 2005

Source: RADIO JUSTICE-Tamale

Fire Destroys Cash And Property At Yendi

A fire outbreak at Zohe North in Yendi district has gutted the house of one Umar Osman, known as Baba Mmoro and destroyed cash and properties running into several millions of cedis. The items include electrical gadgets like television set, video deck, VCD, standing fan, furniture and personal effects as well as cash of four-point-five million cedis, 200 Euros, 50 dollars and 1500 Naira. But for the timely intervention of the community members, who put off the fire before the district fire service turnout, the story could have been worse. The cause of the fire is not yet established, but an eyewitness told our reporter that the fire started at about 11am yesterday. The district fire service is conducting investigation to establish the cause of the outbreak, which was suspected to be electrical.