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Regional News of Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Source: GNA

Fire committee inaugurated at Sekondi

Sekondi, April 4, GNA - An 11-member committee to investigate the fire outbreak in the Takoradi Central Market under the chairmanship of Nana Ekow Abban, Western Regional Fire Commander, was inaugurated at Sekondi on Tuesday.

Mr. Anthony E. Amoah, the Western Regional Minister, said the committee was to investigate the cause of the March 15 fire that destroyed about six percent of the market.

He said the committee should ascertain the number of people who lost properties and recommend means by which they could be assisted and to suggest measures to prevent future occurrence.

Members of the committee are from the security services, National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO), Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS), Electricity Company, Ghana Water Company, traders and the Shama Ahanta East Metropolitan Assembly.

Nana Abban said the committee would work diligently and submit its report within the stipulated period.